1 definition by This Canadian girl kicks ass!

Colour: One's perception of hue, lightness/brightness and saturation.

Note: This is the British and Canadian way of spelling colour, therefore, the correct way. I realize that American's think that they invented the English language (along with everything else)but they did not. The Brits or ENGLISH invented the language (where do you think the name came from?). Why do American's spell it color? Years ago when the first American dictionary was written, the person writing it was a horrible speller.
There are so many different pronounciations or accents in the United States, cul-er, call-or, cull-lur, cul-our, cal-or, etc.

I'm surprised they can spell anything correctly, because they seem to have difficulty with phonetics.

I love my new colouring book and crayons! Do you want to colour with me?
His depiction of the situation is coloured due to his personal involvement.
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