2 definitions by Thirdpac

The definition of a blimpy/blimpie is not the same as a blumpkin contrary to popular belief. To perform a blimpy one must be uncircumcised. When your friend passes out, the uncircumcised skin is to be placed over the nose and their mouth is to be plugged up so that when the unwilling participant breathes through his nose it causes the foreskin to inflate. This is a true blimpy.
Why is that when a bunch of white guys hangout they always do some borderline gay shit like giving their friend a blimpy?!

A blimpy is not the same as a blumpkin! ....
by Thirdpac November 18, 2020
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Placing your foreskin around someone’s nose and plugging their mouth so when they breath through their nose your foreskin inflates
Why is it that when a bunch of white guys hangout and one of them passes out that they always do some borderline gay shit to them like giving them a blimpie?!
by Thirdpac November 18, 2020
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