3 definitions by Theultimatepetrol

Owen Chadwick is a complete knob head who thinks he is good at fortnite. He is not good at fortnite.
Owen Chadwick is not good at fortnite.
by Theultimatepetrol June 4, 2020
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Diesel is the ultimate God and will forever be remembered as the dog who inspired the Dingzel Movement. He has suffered a lot but always comes out on top. He has a true soul and will always stay in the hearts of many around.
Diesel is the legendary dog.
by Theultimatepetrol June 4, 2020
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A very solid specimen who is never seen without his Stoney jacket. Often found at Burnley games, these chaps are not ones to mess with.
by Theultimatepetrol February 12, 2021
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