1 definition by Thetrueth

A large company originating from South Africa who started out in the textile and retail industry, but later started specializing in satanism and various other evil activities.

They own roughly 34% of everything in South Africa, including the soul of the current President.

They own Meltz, Edgars, CNA, Red Square, Jet, Riskcon and various other stores where South Africans do their monthly shopping. Their vision is world domination but are currently being raped by the Woolworths group, who is in the same industry (except the textile and retail industry).
Child - "Mommy, where do we go when we die?"

Mother - "Well, if you live a good life then you go to Heaven. But if you live a bad life you'll go to Edcon"
by Thetrueth November 15, 2011
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