4 definitions by Themanwiththeplan

someone who likes to have sex with cats,
you like having sex with cats, therefore you are a dashcat.
by Themanwiththeplan January 13, 2004
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Whiny sissy annoying rich kid, they are also called "EMO" kids. They won't shut up and bitch about everything and how opressed they are......
STFU you little poonsnatch I don't care that daddy won't buy you a new corvette. You aren't going to die, and your life doesn't suck now.
by Themanwiththeplan January 13, 2004
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A place where useless people with no lives spend their time, rotting away pretending they have friends in retard camps called "Clans" i.e. Knowledge is power.....
lol Bnet is dumb n00b, Clans are for n00bs.
by Themanwiththeplan January 13, 2004
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like grey rocking but instead of creating disinterest by fading out you act like a crazy person until they decide they don't want to interact with you
she wouldn't leave me alone when we broke up so I lava rocked her by sending her a bunch of crazy messages when I was drunk
by Themanwiththeplan October 5, 2022
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