2 definitions by Thehotgirlnextdoor

Nahid meaning she got the phatest coochie and her eyes look like caca and she’s pretty and a rlly caring person
damn I can tell her name is Nahid
by Thehotgirlnextdoor October 28, 2020
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an old hag that his face looks like a ball sack he looks like he’s decaying and he believes that women should be grabed by the 😸 his vocabulary is like a 5 year old oh and did I mention he wanted to date his daughter and he put kids in cages and 500 of them can’t find there parents and they are kids and if you like them I hope you get out in a cage and this is actually not ur country you guys colonized and oh he’s the president
by Thehotgirlnextdoor October 28, 2020
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