4 definitions by TheeImran

Let me be the first person to describe the term. If you are twin sided then: Twin sided is a personality trait where you might act one way and feel another, or feel like one way and your behavior signifies another, typically on purpose to fool people. Replying in sarcastic remarks that make people feel like your angry about something but you might be joking, seemingly having two personalities at once, act like someone's best friend and then turn a cold shoulder out of nowhere. NOT to be confused with back stabbing. If you have a twin sided personality you might say things that appear to have two meanings at once, seeming as if your in two different worlds simultaneously, being happy one minute and then can throw a temper, quick silver personality, dual sided personality, a distant cousin of being two-faced. Wolf dressed in lamb wool. Acting as friend working as spy type scenario. Bad Example, mack daddy who plays it off like he is compassionate but just wants to get laid. Twin-sided; Notable in the zodiac sign Gemini. Sneaky, deceptive, concealed intentions, unpredictable to some degree, mercurial, drunken monkey style, femme fatale like, leading people down one path and taking another, ninja like, NOT to be confused with having a mood swing, chameleon like in persona. of two minds, NOT to be confused with being a hypocrite, although some people that are twin sided are hypocrites. Expressing one view one day and then changing it another and making it seem like you haven't. Fickle like. Of two minds. Throwing people off with a verbal dexterity where they can't pinpoint exactly what your about. switching it up.
Dana is twin sided because she will appear irritable or sarcastic with a biting sense of humor, but its to be taken with a pinch of salt because she doesnt mean anything by it. Imran can be kosmo like one day and serious another
by TheeImran October 28, 2006
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This is a term I made up for a female's pussy that smells like canned tuna. Usually the stink is so pungent you wont wanna go down on the bitch, trout is a type of fish, hence the name trout pussy.
dude, i went down on maria's pussy when i was drunk. the next time i was sober and i went down on the broad she smelt like tuna. she must have trout pussy
by TheeImran October 28, 2006
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David Bowie: Deep, hypnotic sexy voice, vampire like looks, one of the fewest rockers that could pull of a feminine look and still be masculine, acted as the Goblin King in the Labyrinth which is not only a badass film that you could do magic mushrooms too and then watch, but features some dope ass songs that Bowie made. P Diddy (aka Puffy Daddy or Sean Puffy Combs, known notoriously as jacking other older songs from various genres and remaking them into hip hop music) took one of Bowie's song's melody (David Bowie's Let's Dance) and the lyrics of GrandMaster Flash: The Message and made a song out of it. Bowie also modeled for Tommy HilFiger with Emon (a ebony model with no hair and possibly in a Jame's Bond Movie)Also, Bowie's influence over music is on the same wavelength as bands like Jane's Addiction, Pink Floyd, Led Zep. period.
Me: Dude, David Bowie has on make up and wears tight ass clothes like Emo's would but what a badass.
by TheeImran November 4, 2006
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Albert Einstein, took what the Lorenz Fitzgerald apparatus discovered about the constancy of light and the stupidity of the world made of ether, and ran with it. Did not accept the fact that Quantum Mechanics was "real" and said that "God does not play dice with the universe" ironically, Quantum Mechanics is the science that catapulted the start of a technological revolution. Computers, Video Games and IMAX fucking theatre based of concepts of Quantum Mechanics. Cant blame the wild white haired man though, both theories of relativity and QM contradict but are equally true. I guess the world works in a paradox. (The accuracy of this proposition can be debatable...I aint no fucking physics major)

Also, b.c of Einstein we know that theoretically, Time Travel is possible but not like you think it is like in Back to the Future, more like time dilation when traveling at high speeds near the speed of light
Christopher Lloyd looks strangely like Albert Einstein in the movie Back to the Future.
by TheeImran November 4, 2006
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