2 definitions by Thecheb

Rawan is a beautiful magical person, she is shy, funny and incredibly smart beyond comprehension. You'll always want to be around her and think about her when she's not with you. She's unforgettable and will change your life. She has the ability to stop time and makes you feel whole. She's unique, playful and isn't afriad to stand up for what's right. She puts others first before herself and she does hurt deep inside but her willpower is something to be in awe about. She likes baby palet colors and is a psychological wizard. She can read anyone like a book and never miss. If you have a rawan in your life, be grateful. She's the most magical and beautiful girl you will ever meet. Remind her every day how special she is. Love her. Care for her. And dont abounded her as you will regret it for the rest of your life. You will never meet any creature that will touch your soul so deeply and make you believe in true love like her.
I'll always remember and cherish our time together rawan k
by Thecheb September 15, 2023
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Born on a full moon on the 8th, Ali is one of the most amazing people you’ll ever meet, he is intelligent but uses it to his convenience, he usually has strong outlandish opinions but still hold an open mind, he is extremely loyal, not that tall but is very handsome ;), also he’s great at sex, surrounded by tons of females and has loyal friends all around but still finds himself alone, he’s really popular and has some haters but he truly is a rare creature, he has literal superpowers, but is unbelievably lazy sometimes, but having ali in your life is a blessing as he’s just so fuckin awesome and can help you whenever you need him, and secretly lives a double life with no one knowing anything about it …but that’s for another post…
Macy: “Ali gave me a orgasm so good I was in a wheelchair for a week!”

Sophia: “ Now I really wanna sleep him even more!”
by Thecheb February 24, 2022
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