1 definition by TheViking000

A person who is intellectual, funny, pretty, social, including and HOT at the same time, but still isn't bragging about it. A typical Norwegian is usually tall, blonde and with bright, blue eyes and they are heavy eaters. They can drink and party like no one else on the planet, and in their spare time they are fishing, hunting moose or polar bears, diving in the ocean even though its january and the lake is frozen, they go skiing every fucking day of the year and eat norwegian food like fårikål, kjøttkaker, ribbe or pinnekjøtt. And of course fish. (which we catch from the norwegian rivers with our bare hands and bite off the head with our extremely strong norwegian teeth)
"Look dad, who is that man who just killed a polar bear with his bare hands?"
"OH SHIT! He must be a Norwegian!!!"

"Hey, why are you eating my hotdog?"
"Because you're eating too slow. Now shut the fuck up"
"Oh, I almost forgot. You're a Norwegian!"

American:" why the hell are you wearing a t-shirt in the middle of the winter?"
Norwegian:" Because where I come from, this is the average summer temperature"
by TheViking000 September 24, 2009
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