2 definitions by TheLopman

1. Short for "role-playing game." A game in which you play a role. Games like Final Fantasy and Pokemon
Person 1: "I love RPGs, they are so awesome."
Person 2: "Yeah, me too! My favorites are Pokemon and EarthBound."
Person 1: "Wait, what? I was talking about rocket propelled grenades!
Person 2: *sighs and leaves"
by TheLopman May 26, 2015
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An incredibly successful video game company that started in the late 1800's making hanafuda cards. They then grew into a video game industry in the 70's and has become very popular since then. Nintendo created many recognizable characters in the gaming industry such as Mario, Link, Kirby and Samus. Nintendo also saved the industry from the Great Video Game Crash of 1983 with the R.O.B, or Family Computer Robot, as it was known in Japan. It was a peripheral for the NES that helped save the games industry. Nintendo called it a toy rather than a console, and more people decided to invest in it. Thus Nintendo singlehandedly saved the industry.

Today, however, many Xbox and Playstation fanboys and fangirls are unaware of Nintendo's great history, and how it saved the industry, and bash the company for it's "kiddy" games. Because the games are marketed towards children rather than people in their 20's living in their parent's basements, many people regard them as irrelevant.
Xbox fanboy: Nintendo makes kiddy games and is a disgrace to the gaming industry!
Nintendo fan: Don't you know that Nintendo saved the gaming industry in 1983? If it wasn't for them, your percious Xbox wouldn't exist.
Xbox fanboy: Whatever, it still sucks butt.
Nintendo fan: *sighs and walks away*
by TheLopman April 30, 2015
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