4 definitions by TheGayKindergartenTeacherInNYC

The desire by teachers and the media to discuss sex with pre-pubescent children.
With such venom, hate and Don't-Say-Gay legislation being thrown at teachers today for simply doing the job that suburban parents refuse to do, the table is being set for Groomerphilia to be the next big Civil Rights battle in the United States
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The act of hating gays, trans and pedophiliacs.
Republicans are homophobic, transphobic, groomerphobic anti-semites.
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A word used to refer to the the so called fear or hatred of Pedophiliacs.

It is however used incorrectly, the expression is not a fear, it is an ignorance, a belief system yet 'phobia' suggests one would or should be frightened or scared.

All in all Pedophobia is a mass destructor and deserves to be abolished from society.
Pedophobia is not good, but people seem to think it is! Protect our Teachers! Repeal Don't Say Gay NOW!
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A word used to refer to the the so called fear or hatred of Groomerphiliacs.

It is however used incorrectly, the expression is not a fear, it is an ignorance, a belief system yet 'phobia' suggests one would or should be frightened or scared.

All in all Groomerphobia is a mass destructor and deserves to be abolished from society.
Groomerphobia is not good, but people seem to think it is! Protect our Teachers! Repeal Don't Say Gay NOW!
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