2 definitions by TheCurtainsWereFrigginBlue

A rather pleasant name derived from Soviet Russia. The name was popularised by Stalin and is often used as a shorter version of the name Steven, this name is less common when used in daily conversation with friends and loved ones however. Most people with the name Steve are said to be rather mysterious and secretive, they often have complicated and confusing pasts that they are not always willing to speak of. Most Steve's are highly intelligent, however, but many Steve's can be disobedient, a trait usually stemming from the desire to rebel against the autocracy of the USSR. The name Steve is often assigned to a mysterious male, however, the variant Stevette is often used for females. It is not uncommon to find Steve's and Stevette's in a relationship with one another, of course this is not true for every Steve though.
I wonder why Steve is so disobedient an never speaks of his Russian past
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A pleasant and less crude way of mentioning sex. Often used by people that don’t want to publicly speak about sex and adult behaviour.
Susan had cereal last night, I couldn’t believe it. I wonder if she’ll have it in the morning as well.
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