2 definitions by The ducks in the hatchet sir

•TypicalFlame•#1492. They are the best person ever because theyre always there for you. They send daily hugs, everyday, despite having their own things to do. They always listen, no matter how dumb the rant is, and they always respond and dont ignore you, even if they have no clue what youre talking about. They defend no matter what, they always stick up for people when it's needed. They help, theyre always there for you- no matter how busy they are, they will make time to help you and make sure youre ok. They make sure youre having fun and having a good day, no matter what. They just always so whatever it takes for everyone around them. They always help everyone around. They take time out of their busy day to be there, no matter what. They always are there. They never forget you or let you feel anything but loved for even a second. They are just the best person ever, in every way.
"•TypicalFlame•#1492 is the best person ever! I wish I had an awesome friend like him! They're so cool and handsome!"
by The ducks in the hatchet sir August 28, 2021
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A friend is the one person in this world who understands you, wordlessly. Someone who laughs with you on accomplishments, and is there for you on failures. Someone who knows what to say for your spirits to rise. Someone who can sit there for hours and just listen to you rant without complaint, and someone who you can do the same for as you have a strong enough bond that sometimes just listening to one another talk passionately is enough. Someone who you consider a second home, the safest place in the world. Someone who’s more than an ear and a helping hand, but a person. A person with flaws that you accept wholeheartedly and love because it’s what makes them who they are. A person who just has to be present around you for you to be overjoyed. Someone who you can communicate with freely and overcome any barrier with. Someone who accepts who you are without judgement, and someone who you accept wholeheartedly with no judgement. A friend is someone who living without would be like having the universe held alone in your hands, with no flavor or joy. A friend is someone who shares your universe and brightens it up without even trying, because they’re simply that perfect, no matter what.
If you have someone in your life who’s this friend, remember to appreciate them as they deserve it. They are worthy of getting back all the things they give. Remember to accept them and be all that you can be for them. Push yourself for them and always be the best you because they deserve that.
“Hey, I want to do a big thing for my friend Zandee today. They deserve the whole universe and more, and I want to show how much I appreciate and what I think of them; but I don’t know how. I don’t think any words, videos, art, or anything in this world could express how much I appreciate and love my dear friend for they are the one who taught me what a real friend means, and the reason I fight everyday and haven’t quit”
“Wow, I don’t know how to help, but let’s brainstorm! I’ll help!”
by The ducks in the hatchet sir November 15, 2021
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