4 definitions by The great handle

(Also known as the GTS) Is a group consisting of 50-ish members that founded a trolling society forum in the Fourth Wall Games YouTube discussion tab,they are headed by "The Inquisitor" and preform trolls on YouTube livestreams,and, rarely comments.
Did you hear? The Greater YouTube trolling society crashed on GTlive-s stream!
by The great handle September 17, 2017
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Basically the biggest troll in existence,lead rebellions against dominant alliances in many video games,started multiple forum wars,is banned from a substantial amount of YouTube channels,and is most well known because of his involvement with the Greater YouTube trolling society. It is know that he's a Croat and likes to discuss global politics with Markus Persson (a.k.a. Notch ).
The Inquisitor has overthrown BrothersInArms and XkbX from the throne in King of Avalon!
by The great handle September 23, 2017
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An excuse of a Christian,also know as a Protestant,are basically atheists.Common in France,England and 'Murica,widespread in Canada.
Cultural Catholic is an acronym for "Protestant".
by The great handle February 25, 2018
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Two words that can't coexist in the same phrase
Best example of an oxymoron - American culture
by The great handle September 23, 2017
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