12 definitions by The Submitter formally known as Kirbz

In Japanese, this word means foreigner. Can be used outside of Japan, but unless the person you're talking to knows some Japanese, they may not know what you're on about.

Several meanings used include:

1. Usually used by wapanese people as an insult to mean "idiot" or "newbie". In that context, it literally means "one out of the group".

2. Used as a battle cry amoung foreigners in Japan to refer to their uniqueness (also see gaijin smash).
1. Wow, you failed that song on DDR didn't you? What a gaijin.

2. Yeah! There must be at least 6 gaijin in the kareoke booth! Woo!
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Any art form that has characterastics (such as large round eyes, or visual appearences of mood such as a sweatdrop) of things typically found in anime (or manga).
"This drawing is pretty good."

"Yeah, I like the animesque feeling to it."
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In terms of the marketing crap that is called "the console wars" or the "next generation wars" in video game consoles, it is someone that puts down, denies, refutes, and ignores a system solely if the console does not have the graphic and processing power as the other competition.

See: fanboy for other details.
Boy1: "Omg, the Nintendo Wii is so freaking awesome."
Boy2: "It is just the gamecube with a new remote. It is so gimicky. It can't even go beyond 480i!"
Boy1: "You're just a graphics whore."
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Is used to refer to the prowess and power of foreigners or gaijin currently visiting Japan. Also, it appears when a wapanese person describes their activities or what they want to do in Japan.
1) I totally got aboard a train with a expired rail card. Woo! Go gaijin smash!

2) I am so freaking going to drink a whole bunch of sake and sing karaoke with my gaijin smash!
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Someone that worships a person beyond normal means. Immortialized by the Galvin Chow, the webmaster of kindofcrap.com, when he used the word to describe his fans. Has been generally used about people that worship online 'stars'.
"Oh my god, that was awesome!"


"That youtube video where the guy played the piano blindfolded!"

"Wow, don't become a fuckbot now...."
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1) Used to describe a peaceful outcome of a problem.

2) Appearently, since the word is close sounding to "gone" or "go", it can be sometimes used as a joke amoung people that are leaving.

3) With number 2, it can also mean a person that isn't quite all there in the mind (either from lack of sleep, drugs, or beer).
1) I am glad that the fight was solved Ghandi.

2) Well, I'll got to Ghandi now.

3) Wow, *hic* I am soooooo freaking Ghandi now.
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A slang term for a group of buddies heading over to the house of one of their buddies to play the Nintendo Wii.
"Dude, what should we do today?"

"I think we should be Wiiing it up at Jeff's."
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