4 definitions by Thatguywhohatescreateonists

Adjective; ¹ used to describe the position of a object as close to the center. ²close to the average.

Origin: from the words ' Semi' And 'Middle'

Pronunciation: Seh-mid
That there is a semid platform."

"² Your level is semid comapared to his."
by Thatguywhohatescreateonists December 14, 2022
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A man who loves children eg: Donald Trump Micheal Jackson

They have an urge to fu1k children Breh ;d that is bad and disgusting. Most pedophiles look like a virgin tom cruise and are 45 years old.
My neighbour Mr.dicknson is a Pedophile, he has a BONER every time he watches my son.
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Some weird rejected taxon defining Australopithecus Afarensis as a Homo species
Person 1: Homo Antiquus is the first human species.

Person 2: No It isn't you dumb bastard it's an Australopith.
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A species of Maniraptoran Theropod datimg back to 70 million years ago, They are known for their quick speed, small stature, and a feathered body resembleling that of a hawk
You are as agile as a Velociraptor.
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