4 definitions by ThatKidThatYouSeeInTheHalls

April 15th is when you protect and attack peoples asscheeks
I’m excited for National Filet o’ Fish Day
by ThatKidThatYouSeeInTheHalls April 11, 2019
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No Skizzy

The real way to say no kizzy, it got an S, and it sounds dope as fuck, no skizzy.
Damn homie you on some other shit, no skizzy” Jackson proclaimed
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That one black kid in your class that laughs a lot
Gavin is the kalonga of this class
by ThatKidThatYouSeeInTheHalls January 23, 2019
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That one African black kid in your class that laughs alot
Yo Kalonga is being so loud, Jesus
by ThatKidThatYouSeeInTheHalls January 23, 2019
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