2 definitions by Th3 KMeister

When you watching an action scene in a movie (doesn't have to be a Michael Bay movie) with guns, explosions, and shit so intense you actually start popping chub.
Dude the new Jason Statham movie was awesome! During the car chase when he blows up that building in North Korea I got a total Bay Boner
by Th3 KMeister March 15, 2016
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When a man asks his best bro to be his best man at his wedding. Sometimes making the broposel more elaborate and meaningful than the proposal the man gave his new fiancé
Kevin: Paul man you have been my bro for 10+ years and now I'm getting married, so now I have a Broposel for you.

Paul: uh...ok?

Kevin: will you be my best fucking man?

Paul: Fuck Yes Bro
by Th3 KMeister October 19, 2017
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