1 definition by Teh Wray

A (mostly) teenage subculture, characterized by the wearing of eyeliner, bondage pants, baggy t-shirts and lots of black. Usually associated with nu-metal music. One of the only subcultures in which mental issues were a celebrated thing. Typically critical of "preppy" youth culture, which may cause people to think mallgoth kids are hypocritical (because OMG, they PURCHASE their clothes at MALLS! What a mortal sin!) Not "true" goths, not "true" metalheads, and sure as heck not any other subculture...one wonders who the real conformists are, after a while. Nowadays it's more rare to spot a mallgoth, because they are a dying breed, much like almost every ruggedly individualistic counterculture in this country.
Go ahead. Laugh at the mallgoth because he dresses like The Crow. Sneer at him because he's a teenager. Make snide remarks at his eyeliner and his CD collection, and think nothing of him because he's a poor, broken lunatic.

Just remember how strong the spirit of youth and rebellion can be...and remember that the young and the wild often grow to become the brilliant and the revered.
by Teh Wray May 10, 2007
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