4 definitions by Taco eater

A person that munches down on a Taco. Eats em right out of their shell.
Taco's nicknamed was changed to Taco Eater after someones Mom said what a Taco was.
by Taco eater June 10, 2005
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A person who eats a taco. Male or Female can both be eaters of the Taco.
Taco's nicknamed changed to Taco Eater when someone's mom implied what Taco meant.
by Taco eater June 10, 2005
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A person that eats a taco. (taco is a a mexican food, but better yet a pussy.)
Taco got his nickname cheanged to Taco Eater when someones mom made the reference to waht Taco stood for and so they called him Taco (eater)
by Taco eater June 10, 2005
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Let's just say, it's like a pink taco but with a nasty stink!
She was so dirty she had a stink taco
by Taco eater November 18, 2013
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