43 definitions by TV CAR

The place where you go to TRY and buy apple products, but can't because none of the ubernerd fuckfaces will ever wait on you. Everyone in the store seems to be on some kind of techno high, surrounded by all this new apple shit. The people who work there will ignore you if you don't look like some nerd spaz dickweed, a.k.a. their people. You can somehow get put on a list of people who the appleheads will wait on first, like getting in line but without the line but with total chaos and no organization.The appleseeds all roll around with their fucking ipods typing shit in and runing back to the store room so you can't ask them any questions. You can go up to the counter and stand in front of at least 3 applefuckers and be ignored and passed over, at which point you may feel like picking up one of the stools and smashing the fuck out of something. In my personal experince, waiting for 45 min. to just pick up something that I ordered, I saw 2 applegeeks give each other a hi-five and say good day at work see you tommorow, real cool. I just can't belive some many fucking tools can be lumped up into one place, and they all say I'll have to ckeck the warranty on that and run some diagnostics on that, no matter what you hand them or what the problem is. Needless to say it probally is faster and far less aggravation to order something online and wait at your front door.
dude 1 : I went to the apple store yesterday to get my iphone looked at.

dude 2: What happened?

dude 1: They said they would check the warranty, and run some diagnostics on it.

dude 2 : What then?

dude 1: They said some internal shit was bad and the warranty was up, so they would give me like 25 bucks off a new one.

dude 2 : So did you get a new one?

dude 1 : Well being over a barrel and all I had no choice, so these fuckers then probably turned around and fixed my old one for like 5 bucks and will sell it as refurbished.

dude 2 : That sucks , to get fucked by appleheads.
by TV CAR July 20, 2010
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Term coined(by my bro MMV) to describe the people who work at Apple stores. These fucking tools willl do everything in their power to NOT help you, and leave hanging out to dry. They walk around with their stupid ipod's and think they are the best thing to come along since the horseless carriage. You can get put on some list to get help , but there is no rhyme or reason to how one can get on said list. They walk past you if you need help into the back room where the gents service each others manhoods. The service needless to say eats dick just like the fucking nerds who work there, not to be critical just sayin'.
I'm dreading going to the Apple Store cause I don't wannna deal with those fucking Apple Jack-off's
by TV CAR July 25, 2010
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Thiis means to hurry the fuck up, and start moving your ass instead of sittin on it. Often told to lazy slackers sitting around on their fat asses smokin bowls and updating their face book accounts.
Tony : Eric why don't you get your ass in gear and get a fuckin job!

Eric :I will man,just let me finish burn'in one and update my facebook account.
by TV CAR March 21, 2010
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A man child who works out on a "gazelle". The product made famous on late nite TV by uber tool Tony Little and his overly excited sales pitch.
Mike : I must have pocket dialed you while I was workin' out on the "gazelle"

Tony :It"s all cool, gazelle boy
by TV CAR July 12, 2010
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What society is slowly but surely turning into. This state of "overcare" is being brougt on by such things as tweeting and facebook. Everyone must know what everyone is doing at all times no matter how dull and boring it is. People are feeding this monster by constantly tweetin and updating their faces with their mindless dribble and boring escapades. In a day not far from now everyone will be able to know what anyone is doing and where they are doing it.
Tony : Overcare is taking over our society.

Mike : I know I remember *flashhing back*

To when phones had cords,to when people could only call you when you were home,to when I didn't know when all my friends kid were playing a game at that exact time,to when I dind't know where people were at or if their kids were sick,or if people were just sittin around with their thumbs up their asses tweetin.

*coming back to reality*

But those days are gone thanks to tweeter and facebook.
by TV CAR March 28, 2010
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Told to someone when they are not listening or they didn't understand something you told them. This is more politically correct instead of saying are you fucking deaf you retard.
You must not have heard me or do you got corn cobs in your ears?
by TV CAR April 11, 2010
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This term is used to describe someone who is very soft. You would use the term to describe an athlete who milks an injury that most people would just shrug off. Take for example a hockey player who lays on the ice like he just got hit by a freight train,when he only got a good check.
Hockey player 1: Why is mike laying out on the ice? He hardly got hit.

Hockey player 2: He's sunbathing butter!
by TV CAR March 8, 2010
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