3 definitions by TTC

The sexual act of breaking multiple glowsticks apart and rubbing it on your partners anus/buttocks
Im totally going to bright bun claire tonight.
by TTC January 16, 2014
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a word commonly used on tumblr referring to someone with so much swag thus, they can no longer be said to have swag but to be called, 'swaggie'. Swaggie(s) are people with unbelievable sense of humour and intelligence. they also know what kool-aid is.
Person 1: whoa (he/she), has some serious swag

Person 2: oh yah man, serious swag

Person 3: stupid idiots, thats what you call a swaggie

Person 1&2: *Mind Blown* so rad duude!
by TTC April 30, 2012
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