Anyone my boyfriend decided to 'be friends with'. Usually passed around by friends. Specifically by 12-20yr old MALES who have no self-esteem and are just looking for a good 'fuck'. Usually turnbs out the be a massive dickhead and you wonder what actually happened in his past because he is a compulsive liar. He can never remember their names (or their faces for that matter) and if you ever ask about his past relationships, he will make us a stupid story about how nothing ever happened and they never saw eachother. Obviously, he's too ashamed to be known as the man who is used to riding the local bikes. And by local, i mean everywhere he can reach. For instance, my boyfriend lives in the west midlands, he pervs on girls at local superstore and went out with people from, Stourport, Blackpool and many other areas reached by train. Now he's driving, no one can stop him because he can go anywhere and sleep in his car. (By sleep, i do mean have sex). Thankyou and goodnight.
my boyfriend claims he never slept with that slag but I know both of his friend have before AND after him. What a lying c**t.
by THEDAFTGIRLFRIEND January 22, 2011
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