2 definitions by TDF

1. Fresh roasted coffee.

2. A specialty coffee roaster out of Illinois.

3. A term used to downplay Starbucks crap.
1. Hey wow this coffee is totally moon monkey.

2. So I bought a pound of Moon Monkey and brewed it at home.

3. Man Starbucks is terrible you should try some Moon MOnkey!
by TDF December 2, 2004
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1. A twisted way to celebrate a holiday.

2. Derived from an email Dan sent to Carrie and he mispelled Valentines Day and typed "Takeovens Day."

3. An inside joke between Dan and Carrie.
Hey Carrie, happy takeovens day you filthy Michigan whore, HA HA HA HA!
by TDF December 2, 2004
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