3 definitions by T. BlackDynamite Williams

First Intercollegiate Fraternity of Moors
Alpha Phi Mu was established in the year 2020 A.D. while COVID-19 was changing the world in which we knew. It was founded with a concept that would incorporate many AfroCENTRIC and PanAfrican ideologies that support & sustain the Divine 9 and those that LOVE the most HIGH.
by T. BlackDynamite Williams March 7, 2021
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It stands for, "Whatever That Means." Use it when a texting/messaging conversation gets confuseing, It will let person know that u don't fully understand the context in which they are speaking but you are fine with the lack of clarity and are more interested in moving the conversation along.
sara: my boss did the stupidest thing today in our conference call.
sara: spottieottiedopalicious

john: lol...wtm. what did he do?
by T. BlackDynamite Williams November 19, 2009
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