What the mofo.
Originated when people got tired of saying what the fuck when surpirsed, so changed it to what the mofo.
Originated when people got tired of saying what the fuck when surpirsed, so changed it to what the mofo.
by Yanzo. April 6, 2009
you just walked 1 mile to the gym. "We're sorry, your membership is canceled, you cannot come in". ...."WTM!!!!!!!!"
by f7f8f9lololollololololol hahah June 19, 2011
what the masturbate.
a play on wtf (what the fuck)
usually used in place of wtf.
but can be for any variety of words.
a play on wtf (what the fuck)
usually used in place of wtf.
but can be for any variety of words.
by Kale H September 6, 2007
by yoyouyoyoyoyo October 27, 2010
by antelope101 March 8, 2011