2 definitions by SupaflyKC

The most diciplined fighting unit in the history of the modern military. A Marine is cunning, exacting, and most of all, deadly. A marine is trained to kill all enemies of the United States Govornemnt. A champion of freedom, and a defender of all of those cant defend themselves. A Marine is a soldier of freedom.
by SupaflyKC August 23, 2005
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A Manwhore is a male that has several key attributes. A typically young (18-25)male who dresses in designer clothing, carries multiple cellphones, has become a master of manipulating women, and makes it his personal mission to sleep with as many different women as possible qualifies as a manwhore. He also has virtually no emmotional attachment to any of his victims. The reputaion of manwhore makes gaining new potential victims somewhat difficult, so most manwhores are forced to switch territories and stomping grounds frequently. However, even in familair enviornments, many manwhores can continue to get laid by playing the "im misunderstood, or "Im just pissed and acting out over a bad breakup" card. A true master in both deception and cunning, a manwhore is any "good girls" worst nightmare come true.
"Oh god, we need to hide Jenny, that boy is a Manwhore"
by SupaflyKC August 21, 2005
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