2 definitions by Sua Sponte

coin: blogfab, weBLOG+FABrication. The act of, one or group, producing blogs for a company, political campaign, publicity, social group, etc.

The online preemptive propaganda was overwhelming.
The blogfab was overwhelming.

The bell had rung, and the text gossip erupted.
The bell had rung, and the blogfab erupted.
The partisan blogfag was in overdrive, during the campaign.
The jealous high-school blogfab reached the evening news.
Fans of the star went into hyper-blogfab, against the rumor.
Partisan blogfab was used to derail beneficial legislation.
by Sua Sponte March 12, 2010
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pennywink n. to make a promise with no contribution
e.g. to offer much giving little, while meaning to deceive with a promise.
The politician offered the standard pennywink.
The politician offered the standard excuses, and promises.

Her boyfriends pennywink changed the relationship.
Her boyfriends deception changed the relationship.

The pennywink gathering roused the voters.
The political gathering roused the voters.
by Sua Sponte October 10, 2010
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