2 definitions by Stupid Corn

A race of people originally hailing from Asia. Many stereotypes are associated with Asian-Americans, mainly dealing with high intelligence, educational prowess, pushy parents, small dicks, hot women, and World of Warcraft. As a non-Asian whose friends are 90% Asians, I can verify that most of these stereotypes are, in fact, true.
White Guy: Did you hear that William got 105 on that algebra test?
Other White Guy: Well, duh, he's Asian.

White Guy: Dude, Angela is so hot!
Other White Guy: Well, duh, she's Asian.

Asian Guy: We pwn at WOW.
Other Asian Guy: Well, duh, we're Asian.
by Stupid Corn October 17, 2007
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A site that claims to offer an alternative to the "liberal bias" of Wikipedia. It ultimately fails because, as we have learned with Fox News, fighting bias with bias only leads to more bias. One of the best humor sites on the web.
Conservapedia: "Some conservatives claim that conservatives and an overwhelmingly small minority of liberals consider deceit wrong and actively fight it, and that there is substantial evidence that liberals are more guilty of deceit than conservatives."

Me: lol
by Stupid Corn October 17, 2007
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