2 definitions by Streah

When you or another user of VRChat is either ejected or leaves without saying anything; either by another avatar's loading time, world errors, or just being inebriated or intoxicated from their virtual adventure based imbibing.
Friend: Hey man.. you left last night without saying by to anyone.. the streamer was looking for you to add you..

Me: Sorry man.. the Virtual Irish Exit kicked in, and I made a choice to stay offline..
by Streah October 18, 2021
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A noise made by an audience member when an RNG is going off, such as Nightbot on Twitch, when there's a giveaway; an onomatopoeia that sounds like the big wheel on Price is Right.
Streamer: Time to dewp it up in chat!

Audience member 2: DEWP

Audience member 1: DEWP DEWP!

Streamer: and the winner is!
by Streah November 5, 2015
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