2 definitions by Stevinazo

When a cis-gendered, straight person attempts to explain, often incorrectly, the nuances of non-gendered language or non-heterosexuality to an LGBTQ+ person.

When a cis-gendered person "explains" something LGBTQ-related to an LGBTQ person, often in a condescending tone. It is also often presented in such a way that clearly belies it as a lesson they just ‘learned’ recently.
"Gurrrl, I went to a meeting at work today and my new boss cisplained that we are no longer using 'preferred’ pronouns."
by Stevinazo January 31, 2021
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noun., The explosive assault of someone wanting you to define your gender, usually in a case where one is unwilling, unable, afraid, or incapable of having such a discussion. Akin to asking someone "Where are you from?"


(of a request or introduction mechanism) designed to highlight gender and use of gender pronouns, specifically on the unwilling or unable.

"incendiary request to name preferred gender pronouns"

synonyms: confrontational, overly inquisitive, accusatory, inflammatory, rabble-rousing, provocative, agitational, subversive, revolutionary, insurrectionary, insurrectionist;

"ingendiary rhetoric"

"her ingendiary speech provoked a non-binary riot"

antonyms: conciliatory


an ingendiary device.

"an introduction loaded with ingendiaries"

a person who starts a confrontation, specifically in a gender context; a person who stirs up conflict.

"ingendiaries derailed the conference"
As I sat in the meeting eagerly awaiting a discussion on race and bias, I was thrown an ingendiary to define myself using my preferred gender pronouns.
by Stevinazo September 16, 2019
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