3 definitions by Steve the Buckaneer

The simultaneously contracting your abdomen and sphincter muscles in a effort to conjure up a fart out of thin air.
Bob is amazing. The way he can blast a fart after a few rectal crunches deifies logic.
by Steve the Buckaneer March 10, 2019
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Passenger Seat Turretts Syndrome occurs when regardless of how much space you allow for the car in front of you, your passenger involuntarily flinches, shouts, steps on the imaginary brake pedal to avoid what is a certain death.
My wife Beverly and I were in the car, I was at least 10 car lengths behind the car and front of me and they tapped their brakes. Immediately Beverly slammed on the passenger floor board, crossed her arms over her face and screamed. Clearly she forgot to take her Passenger Seat Turretts Syndrome medication...
by Steve the Buckaneer July 25, 2019
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Tugboating - Similar to guiding a large ship into port, tugboating is the act of escorting a drunk friend out of a bar by having two people on each arm to insure they don't fall flat on their face.
Everything was fine at Mary's birthday party until they started doing shots. By the time they were done my buddy was so drunk we had to tugboat him out of the bar then into a cab to take him home.
by Steve the Buckaneer November 25, 2017
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