2 definitions by Steve Hagar

what you get your old lady, "instead of" flowers (actually, the flowers ARE dead vaginas, just a different name for them), when either she wouldn't give it up OR laid there like a corpse whilst copulating
"man, last night Edna was so cold that when she spread her legs the furnace kicked on, so this morning I figured I'd tell her thanks by picking up a baker's dozen of some really nice dead vaginas on the way home."
by Steve Hagar March 14, 2007
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when your dog or cat, after a particularly difficult bowel movement, decides to sit on the floor, and pull it self forward using its front feet only, dragging it's asshole on the (usually) carpet to scratch the ham hocks (hemmies) off, then gets up, turns around, and sniffs the skid mark
"OMG, look, Coby's had the hershey squirts, came right inside and started riding the train."
by Steve Hagar March 14, 2007
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