4 definitions by Squidling Lord

An absolute god. Mahali will tackle you for one of three reasons: 1) competitiveness 2) random energy burst or 3) to show you that she thinks you are a respectable mighty sir. If you are not getting ‘bashed’ by her, she either doesn’t like you, she feels like you are unable to cope with a ‘bashing’ because you are injured or get hurt easily, or she feels like she isn’t close enough with you. She really means no harm by it, but if you can’t deal with Mahali’s ‘bashing’, seriously tell her to stop.

Mahali is buff, both physically and mentally. She’ll speak her mind if someone’s in the wrong and she will try to protect her friends if someone’s hurting them. She can be quite scary if you make her mad.

Mahali truly has too much energy and is way too competitive for her own good. Breaking bones and injuries could quite literally be a hobby for her with how frequent it is.

Remember Mahali is a buff, almighty god so if you see her around, give her a solid high-five (with a clean hand).
Oh look it’s almighty, godly Mahali.
by Squidling Lord June 4, 2021
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Omg oath. My name is actually in here. Finally! I had to get multiple ppl to do this. This is legendary woah. Thank youuu.

This name is not too popular so if you ever meet a Mahali, yayyyyy! Lmaooo
Omg no way it’s a Mahali
by Squidling Lord June 6, 2021
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If you ever meet a Mahali, run, quickly! She’s a scary person who you really don’t want to be close with. She is very competitive and will bash you.
Mahali will actually bash you Caleb lmao
by Squidling Lord June 5, 2021
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