4 definitions by Spiritually Joe Tazuna

A god. We praise him everyday because he is best boy besides Joe Tazuna. He can be sarcastic but still, he is best boy. This 6th grader has stolen my heart and I don’t want it back. Keep it Gin.

Sara Chidouin and Joe Tazuna adopted Gin and theyre a happy family
Person 1: I think Sou Hiyori is best boy

Person 2: Yeah but Gin Ibushi is a better god and can beat the shit out of Sou
by Spiritually Joe Tazuna February 10, 2021
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A person who questions reality too much and procrastinates most of their work. They’re o k but will act like a dog to you. They say sorry a lot and can get clingy.

Sometimes they can be salty but it’s because they don’t want to put up with more bullshit.
Person 1: Joe kinda acts like Grem/Gremlin don’t you agree
Person 2: Yeah but is Joe Joe Tazuna 😐
by Spiritually Joe Tazuna February 12, 2021
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A dumbass thing Grem does on discord when she finds something funny.
Person 1: insert some funny
by Spiritually Joe Tazuna February 10, 2021
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