10 definitions by Speed

N. The Fastest Machine to Race on Dirt. Usually around 1-4 tons, Averaging 80-120 miles per hour. These cars have no first gear and cannot start by themselves. Sprint cars also can race on Asphalt Tracks. They have few different classes of them, wingless, 410, 360, and 305. 410, 360, and 305 are classes of motors used by Sprint Car Drivers. 410 being the fastest, so on and so forth.
Jeff Gordon Races a nascar, but Steve Kinser Races a sprint car.
by Speed September 26, 2004
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A Japanese Animation (Japanimation/Anime) film released in 1988 (?) and eventually kickstarting the Anime Revolution in America.
Akira got the ball rolling for Cowboy Bebop, Gundam, DBZ, and every other anime show that's on today.
by Speed April 18, 2003
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I'm not your lackey so don't expect me to do it.
by Speed July 18, 2003
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