31 definitions by Sonicbo0mz

The festival of Donald Trumps baseless voter fraud lawsuits thrown out in every state since November 7 when the election was called for Joe Biden. Every day waking up to Trumps loss is another gift, like Hanukkah for Democrats.
Hey, are you celebrating Hanukkah? No, but I’m celebrating Bidenakkah!!
by Sonicbo0mz November 22, 2020
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When you stop in at an established location just to use the restroom because you know it’s safe to use at your most vulnerable time.
Hey, I have to stop by Starbs on the way.
Why, do need a coffee?
No, I have to use the bathroom.
Oh, so you’re paying them a Shvisit.
by Sonicbo0mz August 12, 2020
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Formerly two different Politicians. One from Florida who actually had a good education and a successful NAVY career. The other a failed real estate enthusiast & Reality TV show host. By 2020 it was clear that Ron Desantis was so far up Donald Trumps ass one could not tell where one ended and the other began. Hence, Trumpsantis
Hey, did you see that TrumpSantis is encouraging Herd Stupidity for COVID-19 so Floriduh can have its own Coronapalooza.
by Sonicbo0mz November 15, 2020
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