1 definition by Sondreman

A term that has quickly risen in popularity by the crybaby right-wing nut bags after learning that there are actually consequences for their deplorable actions and words. Ironically, these people are strong advocates of capitalism, while spreading misinformation and fearmongering about socialism, crying when people actually vote with their wallets and avoid buying from someone with very shitty morals.

"I can't believe I've become a victim of cancel culture! I have every right to express my support for Nazis! Muh religious freedoms! Its might right to bash the icky gay people!" "Why are my sales declining?" "Damn libtards are too sensitive."
"I can't believe I've become a victim of cancel culture! I have every right to express my support for Nazis! Muh religious freedoms! Its might right to bash the icky gay people!" "Why are my sales declining?" "Damn libtards are too sensitive."
by Sondreman February 3, 2021
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