15 definitions by Someoneontheinternet820

a bent stick, just look at it sideways.
the 3rd letter in the alphabet is what?
oh ok, couldn't hear u the first time.
by Someoneontheinternet820 January 14, 2021
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a company that makes very VERY, overpriced products
hey, where did u buy your phone?
"from apple isn't it coo-"
by Someoneontheinternet820 January 14, 2021
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The ABCs smashed into one letter, or you were just so bored u well.. decided to put the whole alphabet into urban dictionary.
what are the ABCs really fast?
by Someoneontheinternet820 January 14, 2021
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a phrase someone used when they're going insane,
i wanna dive in a pool 9 miles up in the sky!
Are you out of your mind!?
by Someoneontheinternet820 January 15, 2021
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