2 definitions by Some guy who's smarter than Va

Anecdotal Evidence

Empirical evidence that somebody just doesn't want to look at.
Manray: "Is your name Patrick Star?"
Patrick: "Yes"
Manray: "...and is this your ID?"
Patrick: "Yes"
Manray: "Good, because I found this ID in this wallet, so if that's the case, this must be your wallet!"
Patrick: "But that's anecdotal evidence!"
by Some guy who's smarter than Va January 22, 2024
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Somebody who has left leaning policies such as fixing wealth income inequality and police brutality can be fixed with universal basic income, free tuition, demilitarization of police, and legalizing pot and supporting due process rights.

While also being socially right wing as in not murdering Trump supporters, and not letting Texas freeze.
That guy wants free healthcare for all? Pfff, what a Nazbol. Free healthcare should only be for rich people I agree with politically.
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