2 definitions by Sollathar

The act of jizzing into one's eyeball in a fashion similar to eye drops.
"Dude what happened to ashley?"-Dudebro1
"You mean with the whole black glasses and shit?"-Dudebro2
"Her boyfriend glue droppin' and now she's blind"-Dudebro2
by Sollathar November 17, 2014
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When you are doing anal with a partner, and said partner has loosened up to the point where feces have begun their journey towards the rectum. Your "John Thomas" is being surrounded with anal butter essentially pickling your schlong. In other words, "Shit-Dickle'ing".
Man: Oh my god what is happening?
Woman: Honey, you're evolving!
Man: NooooOOOooooOOoooo!
Man: You're Shit-Dickle'ing me!
by Sollathar June 13, 2015
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