2 definitions by Snoopy1

Cecilia Wong is a person who if you see them you should run. She is broke and is in need of money she has applied to over ten jobs yet still hasn’t got a job, it is quite sad. She will live her life as a crazy cat lady who will be more broke and in the end live a miserable life. #FakeKroplet #Singlet #NotCool #LeanneIsBetter
Oh look there is Cecilia Wong, I should run away before she pickpockets me.
by Snoopy1 August 23, 2022
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A person who has recently earned a job but will be fired on her first day of training as of her incompetency. She has some good qualities of her like how she never fails to see some money in which she takes and how she can be smart sometimes if she had just used that brain of hers. Cecilia Wong has a big mouth in which she loves to talk about her fast food and her husband Jared in which their relationship is not the best at the moment. Cecilia Wong loves food so much to the point that she will go to a hsc art exhibition just for the food. #LeanneIsStillBetter #CancelCeciliaWong #FakeKroplet #Singlet
Person 1: Omg is that Cecilia Wong?
Person 2: Oh yea, she is with Leanne. Leanne is so much better than Cecilia Wong
Person 1: I know right we should start a hate club for Cecilia Wong and a fan club for Leanne
by Snoopy1 September 7, 2022
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