2 definitions by Snizzard

Tweaking the events of a story so it makes you look better after telling it.
Person 1: Why did you say you told that guy off? He totally made you wet yourself.

Person 2: Shut up man! I gave them the theatrical version so they don't know I have bladder problems.

Person 1: Bladder problems? Now I'm getting the theatrical version.
by Snizzard November 6, 2010
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1. Used as a reaction to any totally crazy event.

2. Used to explain any situation that isn't going your way.
1. "I can't believe Greg hooked up with Tom last night...man that's so Fake!!"

2. "I asked Gretchen out last night."
"Really? How'd it go?"
"Go nothin'...she said no."
"WHAAT? How Fake!"
by Snizzard December 16, 2007
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