1 definition by SlickHair

Noun - a member of the militant insurgency that engaged in insurrection at the Malheur national wildlife refuge and dug latrines on ancient native American burial grounds after they succeeded in clogging all the toilets. They referred to themselves as "Patriots" prompting the sardonic sobriquet portmanteau neologism "pootriot" which was shortened to simply "poot" for the sake of brevity and the tyranny of 140 characters on Twitter. The term has been expanded to include any supporters of these insurgents.

Verb - to engage in any activities related to anarchic defiance of the constitutional authority of law enforcement or local, state and federal court ruling and judgements.
Noun - "Bobby became a poot when he wasn't allowed do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted."

Verb - "Bobby purchased an AR-15 to poot with."

Adjective - "dude, that was so poot when you pointed you gun at that cop!"
by SlickHair August 7, 2017
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