2 definitions by Slavvy

Hong Kong term for (white) Westerners.
It means something like "ghost", "ghost man" in Cantonese.
Not really an insult, sort of funny, almost endearing.
Can be an insult when used with "sei": "sei gweilo", means "damned foreigner"
Also spelled as gweilo or gwailo.
A western woman is called "kweipo" (or gweipo/gwaipo).
"Bring this kwailo some fried rice, he does not like real Cantonese food."

From a Sydney Chinese restaurant review:
"The yum cha is really kwailo but good. Tasty fresh and well priced (for kwailo)."
by Slavvy April 18, 2007
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Descendant of runaway slaves in Surinam (country in South America, former Dutch colony). Bosnegers founded villages in the forested inlands. They form about 15% of the total Surinam population.
In 1796, John Gabriel Stedman published the memoirs of his five-year voyage to Surinam as part of a military force sent out to subdue bosnegers, former slaves living in the inlands. The book is critical of the treatment of slaves and contains many images by William Blake and Francesco Bartolozzi depicting the cruel treatment of runaway slaves. It became part of a large body of abolitionist literature.
by Slavvy May 17, 2007
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