2 definitions by Skippy Jo[h]n Jones

So far as colours go, sparkly plaid is just about as good as they get. Popular belief states plaid to be a pattern, sparkly naught but an embellishment. This common misconception is crap.
Sparkly plaid is by far my favorite colour, bar none.
by Skippy Jo[h]n Jones July 24, 2008
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A French name coming from the noun "douceur" meaning softness; smoothness; mildness, mellowness, gentleness; sweetness. In fact, the name does not just come from the word, it is the word with "la" in front, marking the word as feminine.
People with the surname Ladouceur tend to come from French Backgrounds. Fancy that.
by Skippy Jo[h]n Jones July 24, 2008
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