2 definitions by Simon Trinculo

Any member of any team in the National Basketball Association who is lacking the requisite athleticism one might usually expect from a hoopster who is earning a salary that could feed a third-world nation. The term is derived from the NBA's "plumber's era" (1988-1995) when expansion teams diluted the talent pool in such a manner that fans would complain that perhaps these ballers were not pulled from blueblood college programs or elite overseas leagues, but rather the owners were attempting to pass-off (no pun intended) members of a blue-collar profession such as plumbing as actual star performers.
You can't blame LeBron James for not winning more rings than Michael Jordan, he always had to carry a team full of plumbers!
by Simon Trinculo June 14, 2023
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This refers to being in a situation where you realize that you are not wanted, or perhaps feeling pressure to do something that you'd rather not do. But the threat is not direct, it's just a feeling you get, usually from an undefined group of people. Sometimes that group of people are the cops, however, or some other collection of citizens that may have some power over you.
"I've been catching heat from the neighbors ever since I put up that Donald Trump flag in my yard."
by Simon Trinculo June 9, 2023
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