2 definitions by Siftster

A mentor to Sifty Junior. This species will sift on such internet sites as MySpace, Friendster, Match.com and various other internet sites under various aliases collating an extensive collection of potential female conquests. This species also prowls around bars for drunk and unsuspecting victims to vigourously grind down on the dancefloor.
"Yo Sifty Senior is at it again, he's got his head down, intense look on his face grinding the hell of that slut on the dancefloor. Hope he doesn't leave his phone and jacket at the bar tonight!"
by Siftster September 6, 2006
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A male who moaps aruond drunk unsuspecting woman, prying them with alcohol in exchange for sex. This species is an understudy of Sifty Senior, and thus does not have the full array of sifting tactics and approaches as his elder mentor at this time, but will develop these over time.
"Check it out, Sifty Junior is sifting around those Desi girls. He isn't doing the Deluxe Sifty Senior Speical though"
by Siftster September 6, 2006
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