10 definitions by Sidbo

Tila Tequila is an attention starved lipstick lebasian.

Jenny Shimizu is one of the top lebasian models in the fashion world.
by Sidbo January 7, 2010
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When 2 or more straight girls all of a sudden act like skankylesbians as soon as a camera is aimed at them. They feel a sudden urge to act like they are kissing, licking, or feeling up on each other whenever someone asks to take their picture, especially at parties or whenever alcohol is involved.
Heather, Ashley, and Krissy instantly went into skanky photodyking poses as soon as the Jason asked if he could take their picture at the New Year's Party.

Drunk off their asses, and desperately trying to get Ryan's attention, Misha and Tara thought that becoming photodykes would do the trick when taking slutty pictures of themselves with their tongues hanging out.
by Sidbo January 7, 2010
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To selfishly, and stubbornly oppose something because of being a sore loser.

To be the one to make plans difficult or impossible for everyone else just because you can't get your way, or for motives that are financially self serving.
Knowing she was the only one old enough to drive, Katie lieberbustured and said she wouldn't drive unless they went to see her choice of movie, "The Blind Side" instead of everyone else's choice "Up in the Air".

Because Principal Jim's son wasn't hired to DJ the school dance, he lieberbustered and refused to sign approval to let the Homecoming dance take place.
by Sidbo December 14, 2009
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