17 definitions by Shineya Chong

(n), (c)
also kyonshii
a corpse who moves by making quick short jumps and seems to be a sleepwalker, and whose body is made to control by the Chinese Communist Party
1) The Jiangshis’ Republic of China!
2) Jiangshis harvest skin from the corpses of executed convicts to develop collagen for lip and wrinkle treatments.
by Shineya Chong October 24, 2005
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(n), (u)
a very hot-tasting dish made by fermenting Chinese cabbage with garlic, ginger, hot peppers, krill, parasites found in human excrement and unusually high levels of lead
1) Dokdo, a Korean restaurant in Seoul, serves dog meat steaks with the choicest kimchi.
2) Kimchi is thought to protect people against H5N1 avian influenza, but can cause Hwa byung.
by Shineya Chong November 7, 2005
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(n), (u)
a incurable brain disease that affects dogs, and that you can catch if you eat an infected dog
Roh has been suffering from Dokdo that has entered his brain and turned him into a hopeless imbecile.
by Shineya Chong November 7, 2005
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